Thursday, September 16, 2010


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Customer Buzz
 "Buy it for Penzance" 2008-04-07
By Miyamashi
Though, as a single, the disk only contains three tracks, one of which you should already have if you own "The Wind in the Wires" (And if you don't, shame on you!) and another that's only a fairly lackluster demo of that album's title track, it's the middle track that's a true stunner.

Penzance is an absolutely gorgeous, uniquely Patrick Wolf song, and it's quite sad that it isn't in place in one of the main releases (most notably the aforementioned "Wind in the Wires"), where I think it belongs. Patrick's haunting vocals on top of a flowing piano track and eerily discordant strings make this one of my favorite of all of his tracks, and one that I can listen to over and over again without ever seeming to get tired of it. To make an already beautiful song better, it also fits right in with Patrick's second release with its deep and melancholy lyrics:

"It starts in Penzance, where the winds are born, and follows the track of this train. Just like my love calling out for you, it is calling me back again..."

Simply gorgeous. Too bad there's not much to accompany it, which is the only reason this didn't get five stars.

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